Tallowood Steiner School






Tallowood Steiner School

220 Bellingen Road
Bowraville, NSW 2449
Tel: 02 6564 7224

Key Details
Type: Independent
Level: Primary
Gender: Coed
Religious Affiliation: Non-Denominational
Alternative: Steiner
Early Learning: Yes

Download Prospectus/Brochure

About Tallowood Steiner School.

Tallowood Steiner School is set on 1 acre in the picturesque Nambucca Valley in NSW. First established as a parent run Independent School in the early 1980’s, Tallowood officially took on a new direction and became a Steiner school in July 2010. Tallowood’s educational situation is unique and the application of the Steiner curriculum which is being developed at Tallowood is responsive to the context of a small country school with mixed aged classes.

A Unique Steiner School Experience

Our curriculum includes a balance of academic, practical and artistic experiences.

Tallowood Steiner School offers a human centred approach to teaching and learning as we enthusiastically adapt the Steiner curriculum and philosophy to our singularly unique educational situation.

With a dynamic parent community supporting the development of the school, Tallowood is able to be inclusive of all families with school fees which are affordable to all income brackets.

The Curriculum

Our practice of theme block lessons unifies and integrates all curriculum areas and all teaching and learning activities. Lesson content is developed from each core subject and subjects are taught in 3 week blocks. Each day’s lessons begin with the Morning Circle time where the children are actively engaged in poetry, recitation, dynamic movement, verse, song and numeracy activities, all of which relate to each term’s subject matter.

Throughout the year, all Key Learning Areas are covered in line with the NSW Board of Studies requirements.

Art and music are embedded as practise in all subjects and this enables children to be continually engaged and active as creators.

Italian classes are taught weekly by our
dynamic and creative LOTE teacher; Craft and Woodwork lessons are also taught weekly as part of our integrated educational program.

Educational Philosophy

Tallowood encourages and actively supports;

• Children’s moral and social development
• The nurturing and preservation of childhood
• Healthy peer relationships and interaction
• Positive parental input and contribution
• Core values of inclusivity of race, culture, spiritual and philosophical beliefs.
• A strong daily rhythm, healthy routines, self-discipline and care for each other and our environment.


BOOK LEVY (yearly):
$150 per child

First child: $330.00
Second child: $255.00
Third child: $205.00
Fourth child: Book allowance only

It is part of Tallowood Steiner School philosophy to provide accessible Steiner Education to all, regardless of their financial situation. If school fees are an issue, please arrange an appointment with the school principal to discuss alternatives.



Book a Tour
Please Visit:
Book a School Tour | Tallowood Steiner School

Or contact the Principal on
0413 833 448 to arrange a visit. We welcome your enquiry!

For general or enrolment enquiries please contact us directly:
Contact Us – Tallowood Steiner School
Or Visit:
How to Enrol | Tallowood Steiner School

High School Expression of Interest
Please Visit:
Expressions Of Interest High School year 7 & 8
