Southern Christian College is a Christian, faith-based organisation serving the community. The College aims to provide a holistic education that develops a community of learners who are balanced spiritually, intellectually, physically, emotionally, creatively and socially.
Southern Christian College aims to develop lifelong independent and cooperative learners through a Christ-centred quality education that inspires and equips young people for life. The College promotes an understanding of, and appreciation for, the teachings of Christ through the Scriptures and His life being foundational to our relationships and practice.
This understanding is demonstrated through:
• Partnering with parents and community in the education of children.
• Expressing faith as caring and respectful members of a global community, acting in ways that promote social justice and international mindedness.
• Celebrating the knowledge, goodness and grace of God in creation and salvation. |
Southern Christian College is a small, growing school community situated on the crest of the Kingston hills, overlooking the beautiful Kingston valley and Mount Wellington’s southern slopes. It is a vibrant and stimulating learning environment, characterised by a strong culture of educational innovation, which draws upon the best available examples of educational thinking and practice – both new and old. |
Southern Christian College functions as an inter-denominational school, with teachers and students coming from different churches all around the greater Hobart area. Because we are a small school, our students all have “space to shine”. And they do! |
Southern Christian College offers:
• 1 to 1 Apple laptop programme from grades 5 to 10.
• Portable laptop ‘labs’ provided for Kinder to grade 4.
• Classrooms equipped with digital whiteboards.
• Production, communication and research technologies are integrated throughout the College. |
Speech & Drama • Music • Dance • Audio Design & Production • Studio Art • Film School • Automotive Studies • Hospitality and HEC • Outdoor Education • French • Creative Writing • Photography • Advanced Maths • Advanced Science • MDT |
We would love for you to see what Southern Christian College can offer your children. Please contact the College to arrange a trial day today! |