Lake Joondalup Baptist College was established to provide a high standard of education within the context of the Christian faith. The Kindergarten to Year 12 College provides for students from the age of four years to seventeen and provides continuity for students during their primary and secondary studies.
A sense of warmth, care and energy pervades the College, which is renowned for its high expectations and exceptional pastoral care. LJBC provides an education with high academic standards, tailored to the developmental needs of childhood and adolescence, and designed to encourage diverse interests and talents. LJBC supports students across all levels of learning ability, and provides a positive and challenging learning environment. Students flourish at LJBC. It is a caring community, a place of teaching and learning, fun and friendship; a great place to come to school. |
The College aims to provide a Christian education of excellence, encouraging a strong social conscience within a Christian framework, and developing the spiritual, intellectual, social, emotional and physical potential of our students. |
See Wisdom Act Justly Love Mercy |
The Lake Joondalup Baptist College curriculum complies with the requirements of the Curriculum Council of Western Australia Curriculum Framework for Kindergarten to Year 12 Education.
The College’s rich curriculum is the total of all activities, both formal and informal, which take place inside and outside the classroom, and before and after the hours of normal instruction. The curriculum is rigorous, challenging and enjoyable, has high academic standards, aims to motivate and stimulate all students and is competitive in preparing students for entry to employment, Technical and Further Education (TAFE) and University. The College endeavours to support every student in their learning and encourages each student to set realistic academic goals. |
The College provides a positive, caring and supportive environment for students. A personal interest is taken in each student, and high standards of discipline are maintained. LJBC is a school where staff and students become well known to each other and where there is mutual respect and affection. |
The College offers a superb range of extracurricular activities that enable students to develop other interests and skills that will enrich their lives. During the average school week, up to 50 after school clubs and activities are available to students. These will vary from year to year but generally include summer and winter sporting teams, subject tutoring, drama, dance, music, debating, chess, radio, Emergency Services Cadets and student Christian groups.
College Tours
Tours of the College take place on the first Tuesday of each month during term time. Please contact the Enrolment Registrars on
9300 7444, or email:
enrolments@ljbc.wa.edu.au to book a place on one of our tours.
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Lake Joondalup Baptist College
Virtual Tours
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Lake Joondalup Baptist College Virtual Tour
Video Gallery
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Lake Joondalup Baptist College
Scholarships & Bursaries
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Lake Joondalup Baptist College
LJBC students have access to excellent information technology facilities. These include wireless access to the College’s network throughout the College and a space on the College Portal for every student, which is accessible from anywhere in the world.
In addition to modern classrooms, the College has recently completed a landmark, state of the art Sports Centre on the corner of Joondalup Dr and Shenton Ave. this 3,600 sq m facility inclusive of courts gymnasium, change rooms and classrooms also includes a Conference centre with a modern kitchenette that opens into a spacious outdoor entertaining area overlooking the eastern playing field, quality two storey Science Centre and impressive College Technologies building.
Other facilities include a Technologies building, Science building and new Primary Library. The Arts facilities include specialist rooms, Tutorial rooms, and a Performing Arts teaching area that is also used for public performance. Other facilities include an Auditorium, a Library, a canteen, a Hall, a playing field and oval, Basketball and Tennis Courts and a Uniform Shop. All classrooms are air conditioned and well equipped.