Cronulla High School provides a structured learning environment that maximises student achievement. Students and their parents tell us consistently that the most outstanding feature of the school is the excellence of our teachers. They are committed to building relationships based on respect for students and focusing students on success in learning. Our three school goals, drawn from school effectiveness research, reflect the principles that guide our teachers:
- to raise expectations
- to communicate with parents
- to recognise achievement
At Cronulla High School students excel in all fields of endeavour. Their achievements regularly place them in the top ranks of the Higher School Certificate results. Virtually all our graduates find places in tertiary institutions, traineeships or full-time employment. In 2014, over 60% of our graduates were offered university places.
Our sports persons are renowned for their success in both individual and team competitions at local, regional, state and national levels.
Cronulla High School insists on high standards of dress and behaviour from students. In return we offer high standards of teaching, a structured and caring environment and a variety of learning experiences.
The school is situated a short walk from the wonderful beaches of Cronulla.
Cronulla is a proud and successful high school. |
Student achievement in the areas of Learning & Citizenship is recognised and re-inforced at Cronulla High School by the use of multi-level merit system. Students are responsible for maintaining their Folder and all certificates for the entire time they are at Cronulla High School. Students can reach bronze, silver and gold levels through their efforts. The award of the gold medal includes a $100 cheque from the P & C in recognition of long and outstanding achievement.
The merit system at Cronulla High School is based on six key learning and citizenship skills and values:
1. Critical Thinking Skills
2. Academic Skills
3. Citizenship Skills
4. Interpersonal Skills
5. Creativity Skills
6. Self-Managing Skills |
An extension class for gifted and talented students is offered at Cronulla High School. Teachers of the extension class are hand picked and trained in gifted and talented education strategies. The gifted and talented stream continues into the later years of secondary school with specific classes for English/Humanities, Mathematics and Science.
The mentor program at Cronulla High School enables Year 12 students to choose a teacher to provide motivation and organisational skills during their final year at school. |
The Co-Curricular Activities on offer at Cronulla High School include:
Duke 0f Edinburgh's Award
Junior & Senior Dance Ensembles
School Concert Band
Instrumental Ensembles
CHS Community Choir
Drama Ensemble
Debating and Public speaking
Student Leadership Training
Environmental Group
F1 Challenge
Interschool Snowsports Team
Senior Student Mentor Scheme
Resuscitation and First Aid Courses
Mathematics, Science & English Competitions
Geography & History Competitions |
Educations resources utilized at Cronulla High School:
Cronulla High School leads the way in the integration of computer technology into learning programs. There are four well-equipped computer rooms and data projection technology in all learning spaces. Connectivity is provided by two wireless networks that are installed across the school. In 2015 we introduced a Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) program into all year groups.
Cronulla High School is pro-active in the use of social media with our website, Facebook Page, Twitter Feed, YouTube Channel, iPhone, iPad and Android App and Moodle.
The school library at Cronulla High School has as an extensive range of fiction as well as reference books and is open to students before school, at recess and at lunchtime with library staff available to assist students with research. The library has 18 computers for general use and is home to an additional 22 units in the computer room on Level 3.
T.A.S. Facilities (Workshops)
The school has a separate building, which houses the Technological and Applied Studies workshops. These workshops are well equipped with modern tools and machinery and offer students the opportunity to experiment with various materials while producing worthwhile projects in Technics subjects, Design and Technology and Industrial Technology. |
- A dedicated Performing Arts facility (Dance and Drama)
- Music block
- Fully equipped commercial kitchens
- Newly refurbished science laboratories
- Spacious art practical rooms
- School assembly and performance Hall
- 2 multi-purpose, all-weather sports courts |