Elliminyt Primary School






Elliminyt Primary School

135 Slater Street
Elliminyt, VIC 3249
Tel: 03 5231 5208
Fax: 03 5232 1943

Key Details
Type: Government
Level: Primary
Gender: Coed
Religious Affiliation: Non-Denominational

Download Prospectus/Brochure

Our School

Elliminyt Primary School is located in Elliminyt, a suburb of Colac. Colac is a rural city located in the foothills of the Otway Ranges and is 75 km from Geelong. The school was established in 1878
Classrooms provide light, airy, air conditioned environments for learning and staff enjoy adequate preparation, storage and withdrawal areas. An attractive, organised and computerised Library with a computer laboratory provides a resource centre for both students and staff. The school canteen, recently added to a renovated part of the old Special School Building, provides a varied menu on one day per week. Commonwealth Government Investing in Our Schools Programme Funds have been utilised to renovate the rest of the building to create a multi purpose room, the Elliminyt Primary Education and Events Centre (EPEE Centre).
The school motto, “City Education, Country Style”, succinctly describes this friendly, student centred school. A school where the consistent management of student behaviour, a high expectation of student achievement and a friendly, supportive environment produces young people who are well prepared for life long learning.

Our Values

Our school purpose - Elliminyt Primary School exists to enable our children to become responsible life-long learners - is underpinned by our values statement. The supportive Elliminyt Primary School community values a climate and culture of teamwork, a school organisation which accepts responsibility for its actions, a teaching and learning environment which supports ongoing development and a leadership which exhibits integrity. These values result in the development of respect, happiness, security and trust within the school community.


The staff of the school are proactive in adopting Department of Education and Training initiatives. Curriculum is in line with the Victorian Essential Learning Standards(VELS) and the new reporting format has been fully implemented. All strands, domains and dimensions of the VELS have been imploemented within the school.

The school will seek accreditation in Performance and Development Programme in 2007. Planning for this has already commenced.

Extra Curricular Activities

A wide range of sporting activities are offered to our students including swimming, athletics, football and netball.
A comprehensive camping and excursion programme is enjoyed by all areas of the school.
Visiting performers enable the students to experience a variety of perfroming arts activities including ballet and drama.
Private tutors offer piano and guitar lessons in school time.
A bi-ennial school production enable students to experience life theatre in a state of the art local theatre complex. Three performances are presented to packed houses.
Environmental activities include a kitchen garden, worm farm and tree planting.
A twilight picnic sports at the commencement of the year and a biennial Christmas concert held outdoors.

Special Features

1. The EPEE Centre - a large hall, two meeting rooms, canteen/kitchen and toilet facilities.
2. Playground Equipment - for both senior and junior sections of the school
3. Well stocked Library and resource centre.
4. Computers - a 14 PC computer Laboratory for class use and classroom computers. Two rooms with laptops.
5. Bright modern classrooms.
6. Well cared for grounds including garden areas and oval.

Parent Participation

1. School Council - meets monthly on third Tuesday.
2. Parents' and Friends' - meets monthly
3. Parent helpers in the classroom - welcomed to help with various curriculum areas.
4. Welcome to visit the school at anytime with an appointment.



In December Year 5-6 will be going to Canberra for a four day excursion.

Our Newsletter is published each school week on a Wednesday.

Our new Elliminyt Primary Education and Events Centre (EPEE Centre) is now open and available for hire at modest charges. It caters for 100 people and has a state of the art Kitchen/canteen which can also be hired. It is suitable for small receptions, parties and conferences.
