Glen Waverley South Primary School






Glen Waverley South Primary School

Whites Lane
Glen Waverley, VIC 3150
Tel: 03 9560 6371
Fax: 03 9561 5448

Key Details
Type: Government
Level: Primary
Gender: Coed
Religious Affiliation: Non-Denominational

Download Prospectus/Brochure

Our School

Glen Waverley South Primary School provides a supportive learning environment comprised of attractive classrooms, a well-resourced library, Visual Arts & LOTE (Japanese) room and a modern school hall.

Student learning is enhanced through a fully networked Information Communication Technology and Global Learning Centre. The buildings are set in spacious, well maintained grounds with an abundance of shade and playground equipment.

Glen Waverley South Primary School shares the same site as Brentwood Secondary College and a childcare centre/preschool. The school has a comprehensive transition program for pre-preps through a close liaison with local pre-schools. Glen Waverley South Primary has developed strong relationships with Brentwood Secondary College.

The following values, agreed to by the whole school community, underpin the vision of Glen Waverley South Primary School community:
• Respect
• Integrity
• Caring
• Honesty
These values are further defined in the School's Engagement Policy.

Glen Waverley South Primary School’s Learning Community is committed to the improvement and enhancement of student learning in order to equip students for the future. All members of the school community, students, staff and parents, are open and committed to the shared vision of ongoing learning and continuous development in the provision of best educational practice. GWSPS learning community model is characterised by:

A culture of:
 Lifelong and self driven learning;
 Commitment to personal growth, shared vision and team learning;
 Assisting all students to embrace learning;
 Excellence; and
 Connectedness through strong partnerships.

An exemplary Learning and Teaching program that facilitates:
 Achievement of academic, social, emotional and physical potential;
 A learning environment where students are highly engaged and motivated;
 Inclusive, innovative and challenging curriculum; and
 Curriculum design which caters for individual learning needs.

A learning environment that:
 Equips students with skills and knowledge to cope successfully beyond primary school in an ever-changing world;
 Provides equal opportunities and values diversity;
 Develops knowledge and values; and
 Is positive, safe, supportive & cooperative.

Our Goals

The 2009 - 2012 Strategic Plan Goals for Glen Waverley South Primary School are:

1. To improve student learning outcomes in Literacy and Numeracy across the school, with emphasis on the Middle Years.

2. To develop learners who can make connections by applying their knowledge to new and different situation

3. To improve student engagement throughout the school with particular emphasis in the Middle Years (Level 4)

4.1. To ensure all students have a smooth journey through the stages of learning with a particular attention to –
I. Year 4 to Year 5 transition
II. Year 6 to Year 7 transition.

Our Learning Community

Our “Learning Community Model” is an evolving process that is continually maturing and increasing in its effectiveness. The school is committed to developing an undertaking among school community members of their role and responsibility in nurturing the school as a learning community to enhance student development. The following characteristics underpin our school’s learning community :
 A clear sense of shared purpose;
 Challenging, shared objectives;
 Clearly understood decision making processes;
 High value placed on each and every team member;
 Risk tolerant and openness to change;
 High levels of trust;
 Shared leadership; and
 Commitment to collective responsibility for student learning.

Glen Waverley South Primary School has a strong tradition of parent and community partnerships. An active School Council, Junior School Council, Parent Class Representative group and numerous volunteers represent a learning community committed to the school’s vision.

Dedicated teachers, who are committed to professional learning, plan and deliver integrated curriculum programs that place a firm emphasis on literacy and numeracy skills.

Specialist teachers provide enrichment in the areas of Visual Arts, Performing Arts, LOTE (Japanese), Physical Education and Sport and Reading Recovery.

The school provides high quality, registered programs for Outside School Hours Care, including Before School Care, After School Care (including Pupil-free Days) and Vacation Care.

Enrichment Programs

At Glen Waverley South Primary School we are pleased to provide students with additional enrichment classes that will provide another valuable learning opportunity for students.
Students will have access to be involved in the following classes:
• Physical Education
• Performing Arts
• Information Communication Technology (ICT)
• Visual Arts (Art Sparks)
• Japanese 'Hiragana Rainbow Challenge'
• Numeracy
Our programs are geared to cater for the individual needs of the students. Extension classes provide the students with the chance to extend and expand their knowledge.

Support for students requiring extra assistance is provided through our Reading Recovery program and through the support of the classroom teacher.

School Musicals
Every second year all students participate in a whole school musical. In 2005 we held the very successful "You Can Do It - The Musical".
In 2007 we held the production will be ''. In 2009 we held 'Vegemania'

Chess club is held every Monday.

Prep Program

During the first few weeks of school your child will become familiar with the teachers, their classmates, school routines and the school environment. They will participate in the ‘Learning How to Learn’ program and learn great work habits to equip them for future years. All Prep children participate in the specialist program offered at Glen Waverley South Primary. The Global Learning Centre is also used on a weekly basis to teach various aspects of programs such as Microsoft Office, Kid Pix, Kahootz and Kidspiration. These sessions complement the daily computer use in the classroom.

The school day consists of:
A dedicated two hour Early Years Literacy Program
An hour Early Years Mathematics Program
An Inquiry Learning Curriculum which highlights student questions and action.
Specialist classes

The “You Can Do It" program teaches health and wellbeing.

Underpinning all these elements is the ‘Thinking Curriculum’ in which students are taught thinking and problem solving skills.

Every day the Prep children play in the attractive playground under the shade sails. They delight in learning all the wonderful things they can do in this safe, yet challenging environment. The sandpit and all weather play surface are other favourite play areas for young children.

At various times of the year, the Prep students are involved in Swimming, Perceptual Motor Program, Science Week, Book Week, School Musical, Literacy Week and visits from the Metropolitan Fire Brigade, Ambulance Service and special celebrations.

These are a few of the activities that your child will experience as they begin their exciting learning journey at Glen Waverley South Primary School.

Excellent facilities

Glen Waverley South has two main buildings comprising seventeen attractive classrooms, a fully computerised Global Learning Centre, well stocked and spacious library, a school hall, Visual Arts room and a canteen. Every classroom in the school is connected to the local area computer network and has access to the internet.

We are currently undertaking major works with our 'new office' to be completed by May, 2010.

We are buidling a new Prep - Grade 2 Learning Area. On our school wesbite there are details and a virtual tour that highlights the design. We anticipate this will be completed by mid 2011.

We are also building a Multi Purpose Centre. This full sized enclosed basketball court will be the venue for Physical Education classes, School Assemblies and School Productions.

As part of this building we are building a room for our Visual Arts Program, a Drama / Performing Arts room and a room for students to learn musical instruments in a small group with specialist music teachers. The Out of School Hours Program will also be located in this building.

We anticipate this will be completed by mid 2011.



Glen Waverley South Primary School’s purpose and vision is “to build and sustain a learning community where everyone continually learns and grows”.

Glen Waverley South Primary School is committed to providing a safe, supportive and nurturing environment in which diversity is valued. Our school community will teach students many things about life to enable them to enter and participate effectively in society through:

• Encouraging students to reach their academic, social, emotional and physical potential;
• Providing an innovative, challenging and inclusive curriculum;
• Promoting a culture of excellence
• Acknowledging and celebrating individual achievements;
• Instilling knowledge, values, beliefs and teaching the ‘essential’ skills to become lifelong learners; and
• Developing resilience in students to enable them to lead healthy and well-balanced lives.

To access our current School Strategic Plan please click on the above link titled Download Prospectus/Brochure.


Mrs Karen Patten

