The Knox School is the top performing school in the area and prides itself in academic excellence both in our VCE results and in our NAPLAN results which show that 95% of our students are above the state average. 100% of our graduates receive their tertiary offer of choice.
Our learning journey is personalised at every step to encourage our students to strive to achieve their personal best. Our approach focuses on their strengths, fosters resilience, and leads to exceptional academic outcomes and results. |
Our Co-Curricular Program is carefully curated to enable students to grow into confident, resilient adults.
Students are given the opportunity to curiously explore creative arts, music, STEM, and sport to discover their strengths, new passions and brilliance beyond the classroom.
MUSIC: We believe music and performing arts are an important part of a well-rounded education, which is why we offer our students the opportunity to learn an instrument in class at no additional cost to our families.
PERFORMING ARTS: Our students discover themselves and the magic of the theatre with opportunities on and off stage.
PHYSICAL ACTIVITY: Our students are encouraged
to find an activity that supports their physical and emotional well-being, as well as achieve personal and team goals by fostering a kind and competitive spirit. |