Wollemi College






Wollemi College

4 Gipps Street
Werrington, NSW 2747
Tel: (02) 9833 0499

Key Details
Type: Independent
Level: Combined
Gender: Boys
Religious Affiliation: Catholic

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Our School

Wollemi College, a school of The PARED Foundation (Parents for Education) is characterised by many features.

* The system of education is personalised, seeking to integrate the pursuit of academic excellence, the acquisition of skills and the development of the student's character.

* Wollemi College is a family school, where the educational rights of the family come first. The school has the dual role of providing for the overall development of the students as well as assisting parents to be more effective educators of their children.

* The Personalised Mentoring System, pioneered in Australia by PARED, ensures that each child at Wollemi College is encouraged to become the best person he or she can be. It facilitates the partnership between parents and school to ensure the children receive a holistic and efficacious education.

Educational Principles

Our personalised system of education at Wollemi College is based on a number of principles.

* The education of children is primarily the responsibility of parents and is determined to a great extent by the personal example of the parents themselves.

* The student benefits most when there is harmony between the two major learning environments of home and school; therefore, parents and teachers should try to grow in the qualities they wish the students to acquire.

* Teachers are vital partners with parents in a common endeavour. The basis of this partnership is a loyal and mutual understanding of each others' complementary roles.

* Parents and teachers who are striving for excellence need ongoing professional input as educators.

* The student's behaviour should be the consequence of personal convictions, acquired in a climate that balances discipline and freedom as the basis for an authentic sense of responsibility.

Parents & Teachers Working Together

The Personalised Mentoring System at Wollemi College is the most distinctive means to reinforce the work of parents.

Students at Wollemi College are assigned an individual mentor who is a member of the school teaching staff. The mentor meets regularly with the student, with the student's teachers, and with the parents. In this way parents, teachers and students co-operate in effective goal setting.

This mentor assists each student at Wollemi College in his academic progress and character development.

The mentor's rapport and friendship with the student and family are fundamental to the educational process.

Apart from formal parent-mentor interviews, the mentor is available to talk with parents whenever necessary. The parent-mentor relationship is a natural means to ensure that home and school work together effectively at Wollemi College.

Parental Involvement

Parental involvement with Wollemi College signifies the willingness of parents to take advantage of the means which the College offers to assist them in their task as primary educators of their children.

An ongoing programme at Wollemi College of parent functions which includes talks, workshops and family education courses, provides parents with the opportunity for personal enrichment and development.

Wollemi College has a network of Class Parents who foster friendship and unity amongst the parents of the individual classes.

Families of all religious, social and cultural backgrounds attend Wollemi. The family environment of the school, built on shared ideals and values, helps forge bonds of friendship which provide parents, teachers and students with positive and supportive peer groups.

Character Development

The emphasis placed on character development is a major feature of Wollemi College. An ongoing Human Virtues Programme fosters the development of qualities such as sincerity, industriousness, order, cheerfulness, generosity and service to others. This aspect of the education offered is the basis for fostering the full development of the student's character.

Leadership and community service programs complement the focus of character education. This is based on the conviction that leaders must be persons of integrity, with a genuine commitment to serve others.

Spiritual Development

Wollemi College offers students a solid grounding in the Catholic faith as the basis for a simple and deep love of God. Students are encouraged to live their faith with a genuine spirit of freedom and commitment. Wollemi College emphasises the primary role that parents play in their children's spiritual development.

The chaplains of Wollemi are priests of Opus Dei, a personal Prelature of the Catholic Church whose aim is to assist all people to live the universal call to holiness.



Please visit:
Term Dates and Open Days
The Headmaster is available to speak with visitors during the Open Days. Students conduct guided tours throughout the day. Staff and parents are available to answer any questions you may have about the school's aims and features. A talk on our unique approach to personalised education is given. 

A consequence of the fundamental conviction in the need for integral development is the concept of balance in the school curriculum. An appropriate mix of subjects offered leads to the well rounded development of each and every student. We are educating the whole boy not a specialist in a particular area.
Two fundamental characteristics which the Wollemi curriculum seeks to develop in each student are a critical mind and a universal outlook.
A critical mind is developed through a philosophically sound curriculum, teaching which helps the student form his own reasoned opinions on issues, and formation in the virtues of sincerity and intellectual integrity. A universal outlook is largely a consequence of broad cultural exposure and the capacity to see the same human nature at work in all forms of genuine cultural expression.

The emphasis placed on character development is a major feature of Wollemi. An ongoing Human Virtues Programme fosters the development of qualities such as sincerity, industriousness, order, cheerfulness, generosity and service to others.
This aspect of the education offered is the basis for fostering the full development of the student’s character.

Leadership and community service programs at Wollemi complement the focus on character education. This is based on the conviction that leaders must be persons of integrity, with a genuine commitment to serve others.

Co-curricular activities for all students include the Human Virtues Program, study skills workshops, leadership education, class camps, visits by guest speakers, and media workshops. Optional activities include father and son camps, ukulele lessons, chess club and choir.

Principal sports include Football, Basketball, Cricket and Athletics. The College is a member of the ISA (Independent Schools Association) and JSHAA (Junior School Heads Association of Australia). Wollemi families organise and support the Wollemi Soccer Club and the Wollemi Basketball Club.

"A true education aims at the formation of the human person with respect to his ultimate goal, and simultaneously with respect to the good of society to which he belongs and in the duties of which as an adult he will have a share."  Vatican II
