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Inaburra School


Inaburra School is a Christ-centred learning community pursuing excellence in education with every individual known and loved. Inaburra seeks to equip students to become life long learners and resilient, contributing members of the global community.

The motto of Inaburra School is “Faith, Knowledge, Love”. Biblical Studies is part of the curriculum for Kindergarten to Year 12.

Inaburra provides students with a modern and well equipped campus featuring open plan flexible classrooms, a Performing Arts Centre with a 650 seat auditorium; a digital television studio and editing facility; a drama studio, a Senior Learning Commons, gymnasium and a careers transition centre.

At Inaburra we have a specialist media program that has earned nationally acclaimed awards (television and video production). The music faculty is a thriving centre of excellence offering a diverse range of study and performance options including Stage and Concert Bands, String Ensembles, A Capella Choirs and peripatetic tutoring.

Kindergarten - Year 6

Inaburra School offers an innovative and exciting academic program in the Junior School (K-6), facilitated by experienced classroom practitioners. Year 6 students are taught by specialist secondary teachers in Science, Visual Arts, Media and Chinese (Mandarin).

Years 7 - 12

In addition to the core subjects, students at Inaburra may choose electives in the following areas: Commerce, History, Visual Arts, Food Technology, Timber Technology, Automotive Technology, Graphics, Textiles, Chinese (Mandarin), Music, Drama, Dance, Media and Computing Studies.

Subjects in Years 11–12 include: English, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Earth and Environmental Science, Ancient and Modern History, Economics, Community and Family Studies, Food Technology, Music, Visual Arts, Geography, Legal Studies, Studies of Religion, Information Processes and Technology, Software and Design, Business Studies, Design & Technology, Drama, Mandarin, Industrial Technology, PD/ H/PE.

Sports & Co-Curricular Activities

There are a wide range of sports available for students to pursue including soccer, cricket, tennis, basketball, athletics, oztag, netball, swimming, futsal, golf, dance, and pilates.

Inaburra School students compete in regional, state and national level competitions through the CSSA and CIS networks.

The school offers many co-curricular activities, including a dynamic music program, Junior and Senior Dance Troupes, debating, mock trials, drama, Bible study groups, outdoor education, public speaking and SRC.

Computers at Inaburra

Inaburra School runs a Bring Your Own Technology (BYOT) program for students in Years 5-12. Students bring their own devices, primarily tablets or laptops, for use as a tool in facilitating their learning. Students in Years K-4 have access to iPads and laptops.

Classrooms are equipped with interactive whiteboards and there is a secure and robust filtered wireless network across the school site supported by a full-time IT team.

After School Study Centre

The After School Study Centre is a space designed to bring together the functions of library, individual study pods and seminar zones in a single community gathering place. Students in Years 7-12 can engage in self-directed, individual ‘cave’ or collaborative work and are able to exercise agency in their choice of location and furniture, whether selecting an individual desk, a booth, a high table or a communal lounge. Flexibility is the key, enabling each student to arrange their workspace in a way that facilitates the activity of the moment. The space is open five days a week until 6pm and is very popular with students especially those in Years 11 and 12 to work on assessments tasks without the distractions of working from home.

Inaburra School

75-85 Billa Road
Bangor, NSW 2234
Phone: 02 9543 2533



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Key Details:

  • Type: Independent
  • Level: Combined
  • Gender: Coed
  • Religious Affiliation: Christian
  • Scholarships: Yes
  • Learning Extension: Yes
  • Performing Arts Academy: Yes


Twilight Open Evening
Inaburra Twilight Event Promo on Vimeo
Our 2024 Twilight Open Evening is Friday 10 May. Join us for an evening of open classrooms, performances, stalls, food, entertainment and more!
Book your tour today or find out more about Twilight here.

Welcome to Inaburra
Become part of the Inaburra story on Vimeo

Meet the Pricipal
& School Tour Events

We host 'Meet the Principal' mornings regularly throughout the year. These mornings are designed to give prospective families a window into Inaburra School. The mornings start at 10:00am with a presentation by the Principal, Dr James Pietsch, followed by school tours. You are welcome to register to attend one of these sessions. The dates for the ‘Meet the Principal’ mornings are released at the start of each school term. Please visit: 
Visiting our School – Inaburra School 

Please visit: 
Enrolments – Inaburra School

Annual Report 2022


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