To help overcome any confusion regarding educational jargon used throughout this site we have a comprehensive glossary below listing terms and words that you may need help with.
Academies Term used to describe some Queensland schools that focus on a particular area of learning, such as the Arts. Acceleration programs Some schools in some States allow academically advanced students to accelerate their studies and complete their schooling in a shorter period of time. Alternative Schools Term that is commonly used to describe schools with a non-mainstream educational philosophy. Boarders Students that live-in at school. The students that do not live-in are called Day Students. Boarding schools Schools that have live-in facilities. Catholic Schools Schools that are based on Catholic faith. Most Catholic schools are described as Catholic Systemic and a few are defined as Catholic Independent. Central Schools In NSW refers to some Government Kindergarten – Year 12 schools in rural and isolated communities. College Government school students in Year 11 and 12 in ACT attend Colleges. Combined Schools Schools where Primary and Secondary school is on the same campus (in same location) Community Schools In NSW refers to some Government Kindergarten – Year 12 schools located in metropolitan areas. Day Students In schools that have Boarding students, the students that don’t Board are commonly called Day Students. English as a Second Language (ESL) Subject for children who need assistance to learn English. ESL See English as a Second Language. Essential Learning Standards Goals and areas of learning required in school curriculums. Field Position (FP) A ranking score used in Queensland, comparing a student’s results in a particular field of study with all students’ results in that field of study. Used in Queensland Tertiary Entrance Statement, which determines entrance to higher education such as university. FP See Field Position Government schools Schools which are operated by State or Territory Governments’ education departments. Health and Physical Education (HPE) School subject involving health, exercise and sport. High School A term or a name for Secondary school. Usually used in the Government sector. Higher School Certificate (HSC) Certificate awarded upon successful completion of Year 12 in Victoria and New South Wales. HPE See Health and Physical Education. HSC See Higher School Certificate. HSIE See Human Society and its Environment. Human Society and its Environment (HSIE) School subject usually combining study of geography, history, environment and society. IB See International Baccalaureate. Independent schools Schools that are not Government-run and are not Catholic schools. (A very small number of Catholic schools do call themselves Catholic Independent schools.) Infant Schools Schools in NSW that start at Kindergarten and go up to Grade 2. International Baccalaureate (IB) The International Baccalaureate Diploma is recognised by universities nationally and internationally. The IB is offered by some schools across Australia. K minus one year See Pre-Kinder. Key Learning Areas (KLA) See Learning Areas. Kindergarten In NSW refers to the year before Grade 1.
In Victoria refers to earlier learning before Preparatory or Pre-Prep years.
In ACT refers to the year between Pre-school and Grade 1.
In Tasmania refers to Year before Prep year
In Western Australia it’s Year before Pre-Primary Year.
KLA Key Learning Areas. See Learning Areas. Languages Other Than English (LOTE) Term used in most Australian States for language subjects (non English). Learning Areas These are nationally agreed areas of learning for schools. They are English; Mathematics; Science; Society/Environment; Technology; Health/Physical Education; the Arts; and Languages. LOTE See Languages Other Than English. OP See Overall Position score. Opportunity Classes Classes in NSW government schools for academically gifted and talented children in Years 5-6. Overall Position score (OP) A ranking score used in Queensland, comparing a student’s overall results with all other students’ results. Used in Queensland Tertiary Entrance Statement, which determines entrance to higher education such as university. PDHPE See Personal Development, Health and Physical Education. Personal Development, Health and Physical Education (PDHPE) School subject involving health, exercise and sport. Pre-Kinder The Year before Kindergarten year in NSW schools Pre-Prep Year before Prep year in Victoria and Queensland. Pre-Primary In Western Australia it’s the Year before Year 1. Pre-school In ACT Pre-school is the Year before Kindergarten (which is Year before Grade 1 there). In NT it’s year before Transition Year (which is Year before Grade 1 there). Prep Commonly used abbreviation for Preparatory Year. In Victorian, Queensland and Tasmanian schools it’s the year before Year 1. Primary schools Schools that precede Secondary school, and cater to children from about the ages of 4 or 5 to about the ages of 12 and include one early learning year followed by Year 1 to Year 6 or 7 – depending on the State or Territory. Private schools Non Government schools. Public Schools Government schools Reception In South Australian schools Reception is the Year before Year 1. SACE See South Australian Certificate of Education SEAL See Select Entry Acceleration Learning. Secondary schools Schools following on from Primary schools, that cater to students from about the age of 12. Depending on the State or Territory they start at Year 7 or 8 and most commonly finish at year 12. (In Tasmania some Government Secondary schools finish at Year 10 and Year 11 and 12 students then attend Senior Colleges. In ACT all Government Secondary schools go to Year 10 and students then attend College). Select Entry Acceleration Learning (SEAL) Some Government schools in Victoria offer a Select Entry Acceleration Learning (SEAL) program, where students complete Secondary studies in a shorter period of time. Senior Colleges Government Schools for Years 11 and 12 students in Tasmania. Senior Secondary Refers to latter year of Secondary studies, from Year 10 or 11 to Year 12. SEP See Student Education Profile SHIP See Students with High Potential SOSE See Study of Society and the Environment South Australian Certificate of Education (SACE) SACE is awarded to students who successfully complete Year 11 and 12 in South Australian schools. Special Needs Schools See Special Schools Special Needs Students Students with a disability or a special need: This could be physical, intellectual, behavioural or social. Special Schools Schools that are for students with a disability or a special need: This could be physical, intellectual, behavioural or social. State schools Government schools Student Education Profile (SEP) In Queensland at the end of Year 12 all students receive a SEP, which provides information about their achievements. It may contain a Senior Certificate, or it may contain both a Senior Certificate and a Tertiary Entrance Statement (TES). Students with High Potential (SHIP) In South Australia there are some schools that offer students with high potential special courses. Study of Society and the Environment (SOSE) School subject combining study of geography, history, environment and society. Technics NSW school courses in Industrial Arts to develop knowledge of some industry related technologies. TEE See Tertiary Entrance Examination. TER See Tertiary Entrance Examination. Tertiary Entrance Examination (TEE) In Western Australia if students wish to gain entry into university they need to complete TEE exams, which are based on the TEE subjects they have selected. The results of the exam are used to calculate a Tertiary Entrance Rank (TER), which determines whether a student is eligible for entry into particular university courses. Tertiary Entrance Rank (TER) A ranking in Western Australia that shows how a student’s results compares to other students, and which determines eligibility for entry into particular university courses. Tertiary Entrance Statement (TES) In Queensland students receive a TES if they have done a Queensland Core Skills Test and have met study requirements, which make them eligible to get an Overall Position (OP) score and a Field Position (FP) score. TES See Tertiary Entrance Statement. Transition Year In Northern Territory this is the Year at school between Pre-school Year and Grade 1. VCAL See Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning VET See Vocational Education and Training. Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning (VCAL) VCAL is an accredited Secondary certificate for Year 11 and 12 students in Victoria. A hands-on course offering practical work-related experience and learning for students. Vocational Education and Training (VET) These are vocational courses, such as hospitality or trades, which are available to students in Years 11 and 12 and taught at some schools or at TAFE. WACE See Western Australian Certificate of Education. Western Australian Certificate of Education (WACE) Students are can achieve this Certificate by meeting the requirements set down by the Curriculum Council, which are based on Wholly School-assessed Subjects. |