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Mamre Anglican School

Why Mamre?

Mamre Anglican School (MAS) is a co-educational single campus school, offering a distinctive Christian education, for students from Pre-Kinder to Year 12. The School is owned by The Anglican Schools Corporation and is vested in a Board of Governors. The Principal is responsible for daily operational matters, including staffing, enrolments and educational programs. The School is affiliated with the Association of Independent Schools (AIS), the Christian Schools Sports Association (CSSA) and the Combined Independent Schools Sports Council (CIS).

The School’s Mission

“A Christian School striving for academic excellence and a love of Jesus.” MAS seeks to develop the uniqueness that is in every child. We want students to use their gifts to serve the Lord and the Australian community. MAS strives to equip students with the personal, academic and technological skills to excel in their chosen fields. Students are encouraged to grow towards leadership in their families, communities and in the workplace.

The Junior School

Within the framework of Biblical principles and values, staff support the spiritual, emotional, physical, social and intellectual development of each child. Teaching staff seek to develop and promote positive relationships – relationship with God and relationship with each other. They encourage each child to develop a positive view of themselves as a unique and individual creation of God.
Mamre offers breadth and depth in all curriculum areas with a particularly strong emphasis in the teaching of the basics in English and Mathematics. We understand that technology forms an important part of a child's education. Each classroom is equipped with an electronic smartboard and with computer laboratories and a bank of portable chromebooks, our children are being well-equipped for the future.
Mamre also recognises that individual learning rates and abilities are best met in a differentiated and integrated curriculum. The emphasis of teaching and learning is directly related to the level a child is at that point in time. Classes are structured to maximise social relationships in an academically parallel environment.
Each Junior School classroom is a community of learners working towards a shared purpose – “To Serve Christ”. The children enjoy a safe and caring community where they can develop their character, personality and a lifelong love of learning.
Mamre understands that children learn best when they are interested, curious, fascinated, challenged and motivated. We see learning as a life-long pursuit - not a destination.

The Senior School

“The Senior School at Mamre is a small, caring and dynamic learning community of students from Years 7 to 12. We work together supporting our students to develop their faith, challenge themselves in their learning, serve others and explore new opportunities for their lives.”
Each week students participate in Chapel, Sport and Friday Afternoon Clubs with other students from throughout the Senior School.
Years 7 and 8
Transition into Senior School commences during Term 4 of Year 6, with students participating in our three-day Launch into Senior School program. Year 7 students study Christian Studies, English, Mathematics, Science, Geography, History, PDHPE, LOTE, Music, Technology and Visual Arts. Each day students meet with their Pastoral Care Teacher to help guide their ongoing transition into Senior School. During Term 1, Year 7 students attend a three-day outdoor education camp built around the concept “we are crew not passengers”. In Year 8, students continue their study of the common core of subjects from Year 7, as well as studying a Language other than English.
In Years 9 and 10 students study Christian Studies, English, Mathematics, Science, Geography, History and PDHPE, as well as two electives.
Year 11 and 12 students at Mamre have the rare opportunity to undertake the Higher School Certificate (HSC) within a small learning community where everyone is known, yet also having access to a wide range of subjects including VET courses.

MAS will offer your child:

A strong Christian ethos
Weekly Chapel services and Christian Studies
An extensive academic program
Dedicated, committed and passionate staff
Academic enrichment program
Learning support structures
Seamless transition from Junior School to Senior School
An effective pastoral care policy
Latest computer technology
An outstanding football program
A varied and engaging sport program
A range of extra-curricular activities
An impressive uniform
Affordable fees
Firm but fair discipline structures
While parents of students need not be Anglican, they must be supportive of the School’s Christian Philosophy and Principles.

Mamre Anglican School

45 Bakers Lane
Erskine Park, NSW 2759
Phone: 02 9834 1881



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Key Details:

  • Type: Independent
  • Level: Combined
  • Gender: Coed
  • Religious Affiliation: Anglican
  • Early Learning: Yes
  • Scholarships: Yes


Our Principal's Welcome

Book a Tour Now  
We'd love to show you around our school and introduce you to our Principal, Mrs Cathie Graydon.
Please visit:
Mamre Anglican School Enrolments

Pleas visit:
Enrolments - Mamre Anglican School

Please visit:
Scholarship Opportunities - Mamre Anglican School


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