The Gap State High School is a leading comprehensive independent public school situated in a north-west Brisbane suburb. The school is surrounded by the picturesque foothills of Mt Coot-tha, Taylor Range and Mt Nebo and is only 10 kilometres from the centre of Brisbane City. The school has a strong connection to its community and local feeder primary schools and consistently achieves high results in academic, arts, language, leadership, personal development and sporting programs.
The school's curriculum is supported by extensive facilities including a purpose built leadership climbing centre, 150 seat auditorium for lecture style lessons and 750 seat performance hall. Visual Arts precinct, refurbished science laboratories, commercial grade kitchens, industrial technology building, Brisbane North-West Trade Training Centre, State of the Art Sports Hall, gymnasium and large athletics oval.
The Gap State High School aims to provide a dynamic, co-educational environment founded on sound, innovative and research based teaching practice.
In this context The Gap State High School encourages parents to work closely with us to ensure young people in our care develop their unique potential and use their knowledge and abilities to create a better future for all.
The Gap State High School is a high performing academic school with student achievement data well above state and national benchmarks.
At The Gap State High School students enjoy the academic extensions, tutorial program and accelerated courses that are offered throughout the curriculum.
The school has won state Academic Excellence Awards, Regional Award for Language Innovation and success in the State Readers Cup Finals.
The Gap State High School offers an extensive program including Fine Arts, Film and Television, Media Studies, Drama and Music, incorporating classroom acceleration, extension and a large instrumental program. The Gap State High School has won awards for its accelerated Music Theory into BEST Practice program, National Percussion Eisteddfod winners and Fanfare Music Festival State Finalists.
The Gap State High School Outdoor Adventure and Leadership Studies (GOALS) has been developed as a core program in Years 7 to 12, complementing the school’s academic curriculum and equipping students for the ever-changing modern world by delivering a holistic educational experience. GOALS aims to develop students’ potential for life success while developing personal, social and emotional competencies, leadership skills and well being.