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Nunawading Christian College

Learning and Teaching

Central to our Christian philosophy is the view that every child matters and deserves a high quality education that caters to their own individual learning needs. We aim to provide quality Christian education in a caring, safe and inspiring learning environment. We actively seek to develop in our students a passion for learning, to develop character for life and to actively engage in the world around them. Students are encouraged to embrace their education and the opportunity it affords, to be independent thinkers and to develop productive habits of mind, engaging critically with what they learn so they are prepared for the challenges of our modern world.

Student Wellbeing

Teaching and non-teaching staff are all part of the Pastoral Care Team at Nunawading Christian College. Pastoral Care is supported by, but not the sole responsibility of the Chaplain and Student Welfare Officer. This team wants to ensure students are happy and secure in whatever activity they are taking part in, whether social, spiritual, mental, emotional or physical. We have a caring commitment to guide and advise our pupils, equipping them with the skills needed to face the outside world.

Early Learning

Nunawading Christian College’s Early Learning Centre provides a combination of Long Day Care, Kindergarten and Out of School Hours Care. We work with Nunawading Christian College Primary and Secondary. This ensures your child’s spiritual and educational needs are met from now until they complete VCE, on one convenient site and with a Christian perspective.

Year 9 Challenge Program

Every Year 9 student at Nunawading Christian College participates in the Challenge Program. The program encourages students to discover their potential and the possibility for growth outside their comfort zone. Practical activities combined with personal reflection helps each child discover more about themselves and look beyond themselves to the needs of others.

Our Mission is to:

Engage our students in a variety of experiences for stretching, growth and consequence.

Establish foundations for decision-making based on Biblical values, the 16 Habits of Mind and the power of community.

Equip our students with ‘street-smarts’ for significant living in the suburban, urban and outdoor ‘wilderness’ realms of life.

Empower our students to dream big, activate their dreams and make an impact at their age, now and for evermore.


The VCE program at NCC allows students to pursue their specific interests and to set up a solid foundation for tertiary study and beyond.

Subjects offered at VCE level are determined by the interests of the Year 10 class as they prepare to enter their VCE. NCC is committed to offer all university prerequisite subjects that students may choose to undertake.

Small VCE class sizes allow for a high level of monitoring, support and personalised tutorial-style teaching.

Nunawading Christian College

161 Central Road
Nunawading, VIC 3131
Phone: 03 9877 3555



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Key Details:

  • Type: Independent
  • Level: Combined
  • Gender: Coed
  • Religious Affiliation: Seventh Day Adventist
  • Scholarships: Yes
  • Learning Extension: Yes
  • International Students: Yes


School at Work Tours 
School at Work tours are your best opportunity to see the College in action. You will hear from current students, parents and staff, tour facilities and have the opportunity to ask any questions about the school.
Tour bookings are essential.
Please call us on 9877 3555 
to organise a personal tour for your family. 
Or visit:
NCC School Tours - Join a Nunawading Christian College School at Work Tour

Please visit:
Scholarship Information
Please visit:
Scholarships - Nunawading Christian College

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